Your First Visit – What To Expect

  • Greeting
  • Eucharist Service
    • Hymns – Blue or green hymnal
    • Order of Service found in Worship Booklet
    • Scripture Reading – Old Testament, Psalm, New Testament, Gospel
    • Sermon
    • Offering
    • Communion – all baptized persons welcome
  • Coffee Hour

When you arrive, please enter through the main, red doors. Note the entry sign above the doors, “Where Life meets Faith,” signifying that the problems of life can be brought into the faith of the church.

You will be greeted in the church narthex (foyer). All are welcome. Children can remain with their parents or go down the hall to the Sunday School rooms.

You will be given a Sunday Bulletin which has specific information for that Sunday’s worship service:  Scripture readings, announcements, birthdays and anniversaries, prayers, people in ministry, calendar, etc.

When you sit down in church, you’ll notice books in the pew racks.  The red book is the 1979 Book of Common Prayer (BCP) which is the complete and official worship book of the Episcopal Church. The BCP provides liturgical forms, prayers, and instructions so that all members and orders of the Episcopal Church may appropriately share in common worship. The blue book is the 1982 Hymnal and has most of the hymns sung during the service. The green book, Wonder, Love and Praise, is an additional hymnal that is used occasionally. Song numbers are displayed on the wall Hymn Boards, on either side of the altar. You will also find a Worship Booklet which contains the specific order of service for that Sunday. The content is taken from the BCP and changes with the church seasons. The service uses contemporary language, called Rite II, found in the Worship Booklet. Both Rite II and the more traditional Rite I are in the BCP.

There are typically two Bible readings, a Psalm, and a Gospel reading during the first part of the service. These are printed on the sheet inside the Sunday Bulletin. The sermon follows the Gospel. During the offertory hymn, an offering is taken up and the communion elements, bread and wine, are presented at the Altar. The Elements are blessed by the priest and Communion is given to all baptized persons who desire it, regardless of denomination. Those who are able come to the altar rail.

Music is an important part of the service at St. Aidan’s. The congregation is invited to sing hymns during the service. The choir presents anthems occasionally. The congregation is accompanied by organ or piano.

After the closing hymn, everyone is invited to come to the Parish Hall for coffee, snacks and fellowship.

As you leave St. Aidan’s, note the sign above the red doors “Where Faith meets Life,” signifying that you enter the “big world” with a renewed faith to hold you over during the week and to serve you every day.

The following link is provided to the National Episcopal Church for further details of an Episcopal service.  []