Service Opportunities

Serving the Hartford community
– Outreach

ST. AIDAN’S Little Pantry – An Act of Love for our Community, providing food staples and personal hygiene items to our neighbors. The third Sunday of each month is designated as Sharing Sunday, when the loose offering is directed to the Little Pantry, and members of the congregation are encouraged to bring donations of food and personal care items to worship. Volunteers are always needed to shop and stock the Little Pantry shelves.

Hartford Community Lunch – As an outreach program to the community, St Aidan’s coordinates a monthly free hot lunch program on the last Saturday of every month.  The ecumenical lunch is hosted by First United Methodist Church in conjunction with St. Aidan’s Episcopal Church, St. Kilian’s Catholic Church, St. John’s United Church of Christ and Redeemer Lutheran Church.  The lunch starts at 11:30 AM and ends at 12:30 PM.  The free meal is for those in any kind of need in the Hartford area. The needs often aren’t just financial. Consider those who live alone, those who have lost a spouse and yearn for companionship, those who no longer cook for themselves and those who can’t afford to go out for a meal.  Matthew’s gospel calls on us to visit the sick, to give drink to the thirsty, to feed the hungry, to clothe the naked and to welcome the stranger.  Volunteers are always welcome, starting at 8:00 AM and ending at 2:00 PM.

Family Promise  St. Aidan’s is one of many churches in Washington County who support a program for homeless families. We partner with United Methodist to provide volunteers to staff the shelter. You may be asked to provide a meal, serve as an evening host or act as an overnight volunteer.  One day, once every 12 weeks.

Highway Cleanup – Three times a year, parishioners “keep it  clean” along Hwy 83 south of Hartford.  You meet at church and proceed to the Erin Restaurant. Bags and orange vests are provided.  About 2-3 hours, on a Saturday or Sunday morning.

Serving St. Aidan’s
– Inreach

Episcopal Church Women (ECW) – This group of women works on projects within the parish as well as Diocesan-wide and international programs and activities … freezer meals, Spirit Guild, KIVA. They sponsor an Annual Rummage Sale and a December Holiday Bazaar. All women of St. Aidan’s are members of Episcopal Church Women.

Spirit Guild – This group is a part of ECW. Service is the key to this group. They may host funeral luncheons, prepare the church for events such as weddings, funerals and baptisms and provide food for any special event at church.

Altar Guild – This group of men and women help at church services by preparing and cleaning the altar.  They make sure the candles are filled with oil and the communion wine is resupplied..  Members bake the communion bread and wash the linens.  These people change the altar/lectern linens according to the colors of the church season.  They also help with clergy vestments as necessary.

Flower Guild – These people provide for the flowers at Sunday services.  Flowers are often home-grown but are sometimes purchased locally.