There are many ways in which the St. Aidan’s community shares their gifts through Christian ministry. Newcomers are welcome to join any parish ministry of interest! Here are some of the ways parishioners share their time and talent:
- Worship Assistance
- Greeting
- Ushering
- Reading
- Prayers of the People
- Serving Bread and Wine
- Acolyting
- Music – organ, piano, instrumental, vocal and Choir
- Technology – audio/video recording
- Teaching – Christian Formation at all ages (details under Learning)
- Cleaning the church by parishioners – twice all over, weekly vacuuming, dusting, floors and restroom checks
- Garden maintenance by parishioners
- Prayer Chain
- Writing Prayers-of-the-People – to be read during worship service
- Counting – Sunday after worship service, rotating schedule
- Church maintenance (Building and Grounds)
- Church Board (Vestry)
- Finance Committee
- Card Ministry – send out cards for people’s birthday and anniversary Coffee Hour – bring treats and set up coffee and juice after worship, sign-up as desired